Does being humble and simple work?

There is universal respect and even admiration for those who are humble and simple by nature, and who have absolute confidence in all human beings irrespective of their social status...It is such good men and women who are the hope of the world. 

These are words of Nelson Mandela in 'Conversations with Myself'. 

The moot point is - does being humble and simple work in the real-world? 

When we look around us, our leaders, be it in the corporate or political or even the social world are all self-advertising braggers. If they don't go over the top, we refuse to see them. That is largely because of the huge congestion in the social media space. Every one is out on some digital platform telling the world what they had for brunch or what they have created. Visibility is so easily available. 

But are these leaders being humble and simple? Let us for once assume they are simple, but definitely not humble. Or is it the new normal? In the corporate world, leaders who are authoritative have been valued since times immemorial. If the leader isn't decisive or does not appear decisive or confident how is s/he expected to instill confidence in the team? However majority of the leaders are tentative. They ask questions that give out their nervousness. The smart ones have mastered the art of masking their nervousness by being aggressive as a cover. And such leaders flourish and flounder. They flounder as they hurtle from one crisis to another before exposing themselves for good. 

Asking questions is a good trait provided leaders are ready to listen to sane advice from the team members. However both the authoritative as well as the nervous leader abhor advice from lower levels lest they are perceived weak.

This brings us back to where we started.

To be continued....with inputs from readers please.


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