Mumbai, the much-maligned: Go drown yourself into the Arabian Sea with shame

Mumbai has been the subject of so much malice. Ever since we can recall, a majority of the Hindi movies have been made in Mumbai, and on Mumbai. The underworld, the brothels, the dirty slums, all have been portrayed with romanticism, again and again, bringing more and more infamy to the maximum city. But going by the New India narrative, when Kota feels maligned by the makers of Mardaani 2, which is a sequel to the same drama that led to Padmavati being renamed Padmavat, Mumbai should have felt so maligned by now, it could as well drown itself into the Arabian Sea.

So then I am reminded of so may cities across India who would be crying wolf at being labeled negatively - Wasseypur, Mirzapur, Ghaziabad, Aligarh, Gurgaon, the badlands of Bihar, UP and MP and of course Ramgarh. If we look at the non-Indian moviedom, there would be many candidates vying for the Hall of Shame - New York, Las Vegas, Sicily, to name a few.

To those who have reasons to complain, however invalid their logic may be, these are mere stories. I would be keen to write a novel on the yet to mature crime scene in Bhilai and the highly matured coaching mafia, for instance. I have already begun working on an interesting 'corporate' story inspired by real events that took place in Bhilai recently. But I am sure my readers won't feel offended by my indiscretion, and that they would understand.


Prasad Rajan said…
Good to see you on the blogging arena. Your point of view on shame brought to various cities and the hue and cry raised thereof seems to miss the famous lines......A city lives insides its dwellers!
Eager to see your literary venture, I forward my best wishes for your endeavor!

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